Symbolic Constants in FFP
- FFP_NONE = 0x0000 - returned by ffpGetCurrentMode() if there is no primitive currently being defined
- FFP_FALSE = 0 - used by the engine to denote a false boolean value
- FFP_TRUE = 1 - used by the engine to denote a true boolean value
- FFPAUX_FALSE = FFP_FALSE - used by the engine to denote a false boolean value
- FFPAUX_TRUE = FFP_TRUE - used by the engine to denote a true boolean value
- FFP_VIDEO_BUFFER = 0x0100 - used in ffpClear() to clear the video buffer
- FFP_DEPTH_BUFFER = 0x0200 - used in ffpClear() to clear the depth buffer. Also used in ffpGetFloatv() to retrieve the current depth buffer
- FFP_COVERAGE_BUFFER = 0x0400 - used in ffpClear() to clear the coverage buffer
- FFP_ACCUM_BUFFER = 0x0800 - used in ffpClear() to clear the accumulation buffer
- FFP_ID_BUFFER = 0x01000 - used in ffpClear() to clear the id buffer
- FFP_POINTS = 0x0300 - point primitive
- FFP_LINES = 0x0301 - lines primitive
- FFP_LINE_STRIP = 0x0302 - line strip primitive
- FFP_LINE_LOOP = 0x0303 - line loop primitive
- FFP_TRIANGLES = 0x0304 - triangles primitive
- FFP_TRIANGLE_STRIP = 0x0305 - triangle strip primitive
- FFP_TRIANGLE_FAN = 0x0306 - triangle fan primitive
- FFP_QUADS = 0x0307 - quads primitive
- FFP_QUAD_STRIP = 0x0308 - quad strip primitive
- FFP_MATRIX_MODE = 0x0500 - used to get the current matrix mode from the engine
- FFP_MODELVIEW = 0x0501 - used to change the matrix mode to the modelview matrix stack
- FFP_PROJECTION = 0x0502 - used to change the matrix mode to the projection matrix stack
- FFP_TEXTURE_2D = 0x0503 - used for defining and binding textures as well as for the texture matrix stack
- FFP_DM_TEXTURE_2D = 0x0504 - used for defining and binding double map textures as well as for the double map texture matrix stack
- FFP_CLIP_PLANE0 = 0x0505 - used to enable/disable the first user defined clipping plane
- FFP_CLIP_PLANE1 = 0x0506 - used to enable/disable the second user defined clipping plane
- FFP_CLIP_PLANE2 = 0x0507 - used to enable/disable the third user defined clipping plane
- FFP_CLIP_PLANE3 = 0x0508 - used to enable/disable the fourth user defined clipping plane
- FFP_CLIP_PLANE4 = 0x0509 - used to enable/disable the fifth user defined clipping plane
- FFP_CLIP_PLANE5 = 0x050a - used to enable/disable the sixth user defined clipping plane
- FFP_FRONT = 0x0600 - used in ffpPolygonMode() and ffpCullFace() to denote the impacted polygon faces
- FFP_BACK = 0x0601 - used in ffpPolygonMode() and ffpCullFace() to denote the impacted polygon faces
- FFP_FRONT_AND_BACK = 0x0602 - used in ffpPolygonMode() to denote the impacted polygon faces
- FFP_CULL_FACE = 0x0603 - used to enable/disable face culling
- FFP_DEPTH_TEST = 0x0604 - used to enable/disable depth testing
- FFP_POINT = 0x0605 - used in ffpPolygonMode() to denote point rendering
- FFP_LINE = 0x0606 - used in ffpPolygonMode() to denote line rendering
- FFP_FILL = 0x0607 - used in ffpPolygonMode() to denote filled rendering
- FFP_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL = 0x0608 - used to enable/disable filled polygon offset
- FFP_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE = 0x0609 - used to enable/disable line polygon offset
- FFP_POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT = 0x060a - used to enable/disable point polygon offset
- FFP_LINE_STIPPLE = 0x060b - used to enable/disable line stippling
- FFP_LINE_STIPPLE_PATTERN = 0x060c - used to retrieve the current line stipple pattern
- FFP_LINE_STIPPLE_REPEAT = 0x060d - used to retrieve the current line stipple repeat value
- FFP_POLYGON_STIPPLE = 0x060e - used to enable/disable polygon stippling
- FFP_LIGHTING = 0x0700 - used to enable/disable lighting
- FFP_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION = 0x0701 - used to define constant attenuation
- FFP_LINEAR_ATTENUATION = 0x0702 - used to define linear attenuation
- FFP_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION = 0x0703 - used to define quadratic attenuation
- FFP_AMBIENT = 0x0704 - used to define light/material ambient color
- FFP_DIFFUSE = 0x0705 - used to define light/material diffuse color
- FFP_SPECULAR = 0x0706 - used to define light/material specular color
- FFP_SHININESS = 0x0707 - used to define the material shininess factor
- FFP_EMISSION = 0x0708 - used to define light/material emissive color
- FFP_POSITION = 0x0709 - used to define light position
- FFP_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE = 0x070a - used to define material ambient and diffuse color
- FFP_COLOR_MATERIAL = 0x070b - used to enable/disable color material
- FFP_NORMALIZE = 0x070c - used to enable/disable normal normalizing
- FFP_LIGHT_MODEL_LOCAL_VIEWER = 0x070d - used to set the light model's view position to local or infinite
- FFP_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT = 0x070e - used to set the light model's ambient color
- FFP_LIGHT_MODEL_RGB = 0x070f - used to set the light model's color computation (RGB or grayscale lighting)
- FFP_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE = 0x0710 - used to set the light model's treatment of back faces in lighting
- FFP_FLAT = 0x0711 - used in ffpShadeModel() to enable flat shading
- FFP_SMOOTH = 0x0712 - used in ffpShadeModel() to enable smooth shading
- FFP_GOURAUD = 0x0713 - used in ffpSmoothModel() to enable gouraud (per vertex) shading
- FFP_PHONG = 0x0714 - used in ffpSmoothModel() to enable phong (per pixel) shading
- FFP_SPOT_EXPONENT = 0x0715 - used to specify the spotlight exponent
- FFP_SPOT_CUTOFF = 0x0716 - used to specify the spotlight cutoff angle
- FFP_SPOT_DIRECTION = 0x0717 - used to specify the spotlight direction
- FFP_MAX_MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH = 0x0800 - used to retrieve the max modelview matrix stack depth
- FFP_MAX_PROJECTION_STACK_DEPTH = 0x0801 - used to retrieve the max projection matrix stack depth
- FFP_MAX_TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH = 0x0802 - used to retrieve the max texture matrix stack depth
- FFP_MAX_DM_TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH = 0x0803 - used to retrieve the max double map texture matrix stack depth
- FFP_MAX_LIGHTS = 0x0804 - used to retrieve the maximum number of lights
- FFP_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 0x0805 - used to retrieve the maximum texture size
- FFP_MAX_ALLOCATED_TEXTURES = 0x0806 - used to retrieve the maximum number of textures that FFP can store at once
- FFP_CURRENT_TEXTURES = 0x0808 - used to retrieve the number of textures currently stored in FFP
- FFP_SHADE_MODEL = 0x0809 - used to retrieve the current shade model
- FFP_SMOOTH_MODEL = 0x080a - used to retrieve the current smooth model
- FFP_RETURN_COLOR_VIDEO = 0x080b - used in ffpVideoReturnData() to return color video
- FFP_RETURN_DEPTH_VIDEO = 0x080c - used in ffpVideoReturnData() to return depth video
- FFP_POLYGON_MODE_FRONT = 0x080d - used to retrieve the current polygon mode for front faces
- FFP_POLYGON_MODE_BACK = 0x080e - used to retrieve the current polygon mode for back faces
- FFP_MODELVIEW_MATRIX = 0x0900 - used to retrieve the current modelview matrix
- FFP_MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH = 0x0901 - used to retrieve the current modelview matrix depth
- FFP_PROJECTION_MATRIX = 0x0902 - used to retrieve the current projection matrix
- FFP_PROJECTION_STACK_DEPTH = 0x0903 - used to retrieve the current projection matrix depth
- FFP_TEXTURE_MATRIX = 0x0904 - used to retrieve the current texture matrix
- FFP_TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH = 0x0905 - used to retrieve the current texture matrix depth
- FFP_DM_TEXTURE_MATRIX = 0x0906 - used to retrieve the current double map texture matrix
- FFP_DM_TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH = 0x0907 - used to retrieve the current double map texture matrix depth
- FFP_VIEWPORT = 0x0908 - used to retrieve the current viewport values
- FFP_RENDERED_POLYGON_COUNT = 0x0909 - used to retrieve the number of polygons that were rendered in the current frame (call this function before ffpFlush() because ffpFlush() resets it to zero)
- FFP_FRAME_POLYGON_COUNT = 0x090a - used to retrieve the number of polygons that were sent to the engine in the current frame (call this function before ffpFlush() because ffpFlush() resets it to zero)
- FFP_MODULATE = 0x0a00 - used in ffpTexParameteri() to specify a modulated FFP_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE
- FFP_DECAL = 0x0a01 - used in ffpTexParameteri() to specify a decal FFP_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE
- FFP_ADD = 0x0a02 - used in ffpTexParameteri() to specify an added FFP_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE
- FFP_MIX = 0x0a03 - used in ffpTexParameteri() to specify a mixed FFP_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE
- FFP_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE = 0x0a04 - used in ffpTexParameteri() to specify the function that blends a texel with the current fragment
- FFP_TEXTURE_FILTER = 0x0a05 - used in ffpTexParameteri() to specify the texture filter
- FFP_NEAREST = 0x0a06 - used in ffpTexParameteri() to denote nearest-neighbor texture filtering
- FFP_BILINEAR = 0x0a07 - used in ffpTexParameteri() to denote bilinear texture filtering
- FFP_DITHER = 0x0a08 - used in ffpTexParameteri() to denote dithered texture filtering
- FFP_TEXTURE_BLOCK_FILTER = 0x0a09 - used in ffpTexParameteri() to enable/disable block filtering for the texture
- FFP_TEXTURE_SPHERE_MAP = 0x0a0a - used in ffpTexParameteri() to enable/disable sphere mapping for the texture
- FFP_ALPHA_TEST = 0x0a0b - used to enable/disable fragment alpha testing (always greater-than) implicitly enables the forward renderer until alpha testing is disabled again
- FFP_RGB = 0x0a0c - used to specify an opaque pixel format in X8_R8_G8_B8 format
- FFP_ARGB = 0x0a0d - used to specify an opaque pixel format in A8_R8_G8_B8 format
- FFP_FOG = 0x0b05 - used to enable/disable fog
- FFP_SINGLE_THREADED = 0x0b06 - used in ffpFlush() to force single threaded deferred rendering
- FFP_MULTI_THREADED = 0x0b07 - used in ffpFlush() to force multi threaded deferred rendering
- FFP_VIDEO_COLOR_DITHER = 0x0b08 - used in ffpVideoPropertyi() to enable/disable dithering
- FFP_COLORMAP = 0x0b09 - used to retrieve the current dither colormap
- FFP_VIDEO_BLEND_STIPPLED_REGIONS = 0x0b0a - used in ffpVideoPropertyi() to enable/disable the blending of stippled regions
- FFP_VIDEO_DITHER_MATRIX = 0x0b0b - used in ffpVideoPropertyi() to modify the current dither matrix
- FFP_VIDEO_DITHER_MATRIX0 = 0x0b0c - used in ffpVideoPropertyi() to set the current dither matrix to the first dither matrix
- FFP_VIDEO_DITHER_MATRIX1 = 0x0b0d - used in ffpVideoPropertyi() to set the current dither matrix to the second dither matrix
- FFP_VIDEO_DITHER_MATRIX2 = 0x0b0e - used in ffpVideoPropertyi() to set the current dither matrix to the third dither matrix
- FFP_VIDEO_DITHER_MATRIX3 = 0x0b0f - used in ffpVideoPropertyi() to set the current dither matrix to the fourth dither matrix
- FFP_VIDEO_GAMMA = 0x0b10 - used in ffpVideoPropertyf() to set the video gamma in [0.5..1.5]
- FFP_ACCUM = 0x0b11 - used in ffpAccum() to accumulate (add) the current frame buffer to the accumulation buffer
- FFP_LOAD = 0x0b12 - used in ffpAccum() to copy the current frame buffer to the accumulation buffer
- FFP_RETURN = 0x0b13 - used in ffpAccum() to copy the current accumulation buffer to the frame buffer
- FFP_MULT = 0x0b14 - used in ffpAccum() to multiply (scale) the current frame buffer with the accumulation buffer
- FFP_VIDEO_THREAD_COUNT = 0x0b15 - used in ffpVideoPropertyi() to specify the fraction of the available threads the multithreaded deferred renderer is allowed to use
- FFP_THREAD_COUNT_ALL = 0x0b14 - used in ffpVideoPropertyi() to allow the multithreaded deferred renderer to use all available threads
- FFP_THREAD_COUNT_THREE_QUARTERS = 0x0b15 - used in ffpVideoPropertyi() to allow the multithreaded deferred renderer to use three quarters of the available threads
- FFP_THREAD_COUNT_HALF = 0x0b16 - used in ffpVideoPropertyi() to allow the multithreaded deferred renderer to use half of the available threads
- FFP_THREAD_COUNT_QUARTER = 0x0b17 - used in ffpVideoPropertyi() to allow the multithreaded deferred renderer to use a quarter of the available threads
- FFPAUX_POINT = 0x0c00 - used in FFPAUX to denote point rendering
- FFPAUX_FILL = 0x0c01 - used in FFPAUX to denote filled rendering
- FFPAUX_LINE = 0x0c02 - used in FFPAUX to denote line rendering
- FFPAUX_SILHOUETTE = 0x0c03 - used in FFPAUX to denote silhouette rendering
- FFPAUX_OUTSIDE = 0x0c04 - used in FFPAUX to denote outward facing normals
- FFPAUX_INSIDE = 0x0c05 - used in FFPAUX to denote inward facing normals
- FFPAUX_SMOOTH = 0x0c06 - used in FFPAUX to denote smooth (per vertex) normal generation
- FFPAUX_FLAT = 0x0c07 - used in FFPAUX to denote flat (per facet) normal generation
- FFPAUX_NONE = 0x0c08 - used in FFPAUX to denote no normal generation
- FFP_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL = 0x0d00 - used in ffpRenderMode() to set the current render mode to normal rendering
- FFP_RENDER_MODE_COVERAGE = 0x0d01 - used in ffpRenderMode() to set the current render mode to coverage rendering (all rendering is done to the coverage buffer)
- FFP_RENDER_TECHNIQUE_FORWARD = 0x0d02 - used in ffpRenderTechnique() to enable forward rendering
- FFP_RENDER_TECHNIQUE_DEFERRED = 0x0d03 - used in ffpRenderTechnique() to enable deferred rendering
- FFP_VENDOR = 0x0e00 - used to retrieve a string containing the vendor
- FFP_RENDERER = 0x0e01 - used to retrieve a string containing the renderer
- FFP_VERSION = 0x0e02 - used to retrieve a string containing the version
- FFP_INVALID_PARAM = 0x0f00 - error code produced when a parameter for a function is invalid or in the case of functions that accept arrays, if the array is not the correct length
- FFP_INVALID_VALUE = 0x0f01 - error code produced when a parameter for a function is out of range
- FFP_INVALID_OPERATION = 0x0f02 - error code produced when a function is called during a state at which it cannot be called
- FFP_STACK_OVERFLOW = 0x0f03 - error code produced when there were too many pushes to the stack and not enough pops
- FFP_STACK_UNDERFLOW = 0x0f04- error code produced when there were too many pops to the stack and not enough pushes
- FFP_OUT_OF_MEMORY = 0x0f05 - error code produced when there isn't enough memory to perform an operation
- FFP_NULL_POINTER = 0x0f06 - error code produced when a value is null
- FFP_RENDER_EXCEPTION = 0x0f07 - error code produced when something goes wrong with the renderer
- FFP_NO_ERROR = 0x0000 - lack of an error